Saturday, June 23, 2018

Kejick Bay

Welcome to Kejick (By Road)

In 1929, Ontario Hydro built a Dam and raised the level of Lac Seul to create a reservoir to generate hydro power. This flooded Kekick Bay and created an island. There was a Native community on this piece of land, and this cut them off from the mainland. In the last few years a causeway has been built connecting Kejick to the mainland once again. According to Wikipedia, there is a population of 400 living in Kejick Bay now. This is where Alisha lives and works as Principal of the school in the community, and it where I am now visiting. The people living here are of the Lac Seul first nation group and consist of three separate communities, Kejick Bay, Whitefish Bay and Frenchman's Head. The Lac Seul First Nation is part of the Ojibwa First Nation, and has an area of just over 100 square miles.

The community of Kejick itself is on an island in the middle of Lac Seul, so it is a beautiful setting with a lake surrounding it. I was surprised with the weather, I know they have harsh winters and Alisha has complained about the amount of snow and the freezing temperatures in the long brutal winter, but right now when I am visiting it is down-right tropical with temperatures warmer than at home. Yesterday it was 33º C, and even today in the rain it is still 23º C.

When you reach the causeway, the road road changes to gravel, and the soil is sandy, so it is
Or By Boat.
impossible to keep things clean. I was reminded of Cairo, where the dust and sand gets into everything; it is like that here. Alisha had her car detailed on one of her trips to Winnipeg and was appalled at how quickly it reverted to a dusty dirty mess once she was back here.

The town itself has one convenience store that also sells gas. When Alisha first arrived the store sold chips and pop, but she is pleased that they now carry many more healthy groceries. There is Alisha's K-9 school, a community centre, an outdoor rink, one church a band office and a health centre. There are two well used beaches and boat docks everywhere. The community is patrolled by the Lac Seul Police force, and has fire hydrants, but no fire department. In fact the second night we were here Derek was called to help fight a house fire. They had a good 2” fire hose but someone had left the actual nozzle in Frenchman's Head even though they tried they could not save the house.

That is a little about the community of Kejick Bay. Although somewhat isolated, they are an open and friendly community and I have been made to feel at home. Most community members know Alisha, so when I am introduced to anyone they smile and welcome me to their community, and as I walk around the streets, the people wave with a friendly greeting and the dogs all wag their tails as they stop for a pat or a scritch.
The Ferry

The Complex (Community Centre)

The Health Ctntre

Alisha's House (The Teachery)

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