Take a tumbled down old building and turn
it into a night club and you have one of the most popular attractions in
Budapest. And when I say “Turn it into a night club”, I do not mean renovate
it, I mean make the ruin the club. Bring in bands, furnish it with whatever old
recycled furniture you can find, decorate the walls with whatever is available,
and allow tagging anytime.
I think there is room for that old
Communist era car in the courtyard; cut the roof off and make it a booth.
Hey that is pretty weird – perfect!
After that, anything goes; find something
odd eccentric, weird or cool and use it to decorate.
There you go, Budapest’s RuinPubs.
The original and most popular RuinPub,
hosts a Farmers Market on Sunday mornings, so we went exploring and found it to
have a look. It is pretty hard to describe, but “Ruin Pub” does it pretty well.
The building was originally a ruin, and it has not been fixed up other than to
stabilize things. It is open to the sky in the courtyard, and the rooms are
open to the courtyard. There are actually two cars parked inside being used as
booths. Scattered throughout are rooms with chairs sofas, stools and tables of
all styles and colors. There are actually some painting hanging on the walls,
but much of the décor is pure graffiti and proud of it. There is a wrecked
piano hanging in one stairwell, a table made from VHS tapes, a bathtub
converted to a couch. Everywhere you look is something else amazing.
It was nice to go on Sunday for the market
because I could wander around snapping pictures. I can only imagine what it
must be like at night time. We will definitely go back to see.
The pictures I have chosen only give a
glimpse into the Ruin Pub scene in Budapest, and this is only one; there are
lots of them, some even bigger than this.
Now THIS is a marvelous idea! You're making me want to visit Budapest!