Saturday, September 30, 2023

A little Detour

Walking to the Market
Today I walked to the Market to find something interesting for dinner. Toronto has a wonderful Market, the St. Lawrence Market that is within walking distance. It is amazing how similar good markets are all over the world. The best markets I have found are all very much the same design. St Lawrence Market is much like Markets in Narbonne France, Budapest Hungary or Barcelona Spain. I may do a post about markets one day, but today I want to tell you about a little detour I took on the way to the Market. 

The condo is on Mutual Street which runs down towards the waterfront and the Market, but it is not a major route, so I have never actually explored it. It was actually difficult to use this route, because not being a major street, it does not have crosswalks, so I had to wait for traffic breaks to cross the streets. Today was a beautiful warm day and I was enjoying the walk, taking my time and looking at a part of the city I had not explored. Part way down, I noticed a walkway leading to a courtyard which was part of the Toronto Metropolitan University, and there were some interesting wooden structures in the courtyard. 

I walked in to discover a whole collection of what I would say were covered shelters with seats. They were all different and were just made of ordinary timber on a standard base. In common, they all had a roof, and they all had at least one seating area. I assume they were some sort of student competition or class assignment, and they all had signs identifying team numbers. I did ask one student who came out of one of the university buildings, but she did not know anything about them. 

What do you think? Any ideas?

This one does not look finished . . . . .

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