Years ago, when we sailed on the Queen
Mary II to Hamburg Germany, we got a taxi to our hotel, and when we
got out of the cab, we knew we had chosen the wrong neighbourhood;
all the building were vandalized with “Tagging” At the time you
just didn't see this, especially in Germany. As it happened, our
hotel was on the outskirts of the Reeperbahn, or the “Red Light”
district of Hamburg, and the police or whoever controlled the
“Tagging” just didn't worry about vandalization in this
neighbourhood. Oh, (BTW)by the way, this was one of the best hotels
we have ever booked and other than walking by the sex shops to get
anywhere in Hamburg, everything was wonderful. It was Hamburg
Harley Days and 55,000 Harley Davidsons descended on the city for the
weekend – I had a great vacation.

This tagging has become rampant
everywhere, and we have not found any country that has been able to
control it. I think it gets worse as unemployment increases,
especially youth unemployment, and Europe, especially Spain, Portugal
& Greece are really suffering serious unemployment. Needless to
say, the tagging is really bad here in Olh
It is everywhere. Entire buildings are covered, and as the number of
deserted or unoccupied building increases, so does the tagging. Even
the trains have gotten a new coat of paint, sometimes even covering
the windows. The train we returned from Spain on was completely
covered on one side with tagging. There is a little unoccupied house
on the corner that is completely tagged from top to bottom, and the
wall of a long building down the road is a virtual 'Art Gallery' of

Now one question is whether “Tagging”
is vandalism or art? Some of it is absolutely amazing in the artistry
and complexity. No question, some is just ugly spray paint, but I
must admit that some is actually very beautiful. Here in Olh
there are some talented taggers, and I have tried to include some of
the really interesting examples. In many cases I suspect that the
tagging actually makes some of the crumbling buildings here look

People must at times find it
frustrating. Across the street, the houses back onto the railway, and
some people have cleaned off the concrete wall and whitewashed it,
only to have it used as a canvas by taggers. I walked by one building
with serious tagging covering all the windows, so those workers using
the building have so suffer with their only natural light diffused
through pink, purple and green paint.
I can't help wondering though, when do
they do it? I have never seen a 'Tagger' at work, so I assume it must
be late a night, and it must be a bit difficult to tag those moving
trains, so it must be done when they are parked late at night.
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